Museo Elgranarte del gatodejazz

book of baseball


Here at the Museo, we have an entire wing dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses of Baseball.  Some are cruel, and send rain and hail to postpone games.  Some are benevolent, and send sunny days and a stiff breeze to right field only when your team is hitting.  And some of these beings don’t do jack sh*t no matter how much you pray to them, I swanny.

Also included in the Book of Baseball exhibit is the story of the Miracle of the Three Balls and Two Strike Fishes and the parable of the Barren Runs Tree.


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The Museo Elgranarte de Gatodejazz is dedicated to bringing you the absolute finest in music, images, motion picture, and tomfoolery.  Each work of art is painstakingly curated to the most exacting standards. We bring you the most challenging, the most thought-provoking, the most rival-ribbing pieces for both enjoyment and enrichment.  We here at the Museo Elgranarte de Gatodejazz challenge you to open your mind, your heart, and your stomach to let the wonderment really flow through you.

The BOOK OF BASEBALL  is an exercise in they wouldn’t call stadiums the cathedrals of baseball if baseball wasn’t just a little bit of a religion.  If you believe you might have a piece to contribute to the Museo Elgranarte de Gatodejazz, please reconsider.  If you have and still think you can do better, we recommend shouting into the void.  Or posting on Twitter, idk.  You do you, boo.

All images are created by the indomitable @gatodejazz and are meant for Serious Contemplation in a Very Quiet Room after drinking some tap water to clear the pallet or as a companion to the viewing of a drag race.  Car or Queen, either is acceptable.


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