• Weekly Update: Cody Bellinger

  • Kayla22

    September 20, 2020 at 10:21 pm

    Over the course of the last couple of games, Cody Bellinger has been doing so so . In the last 4 games he has done 5 hits in 14 AB. With a batting average of .231. He currently has 11 home runs with 27 RBI.

    During this season, he has had moments of improvement and it looks like his bat has woken up, yet there are also quite a bit of not so good moments.

    This year has not been the best for Bellinger, striking out during key moments of a game and during times where an extra run would not hurt. Makes us wonder what is going on with the reigning MVP. When looking at how he did last year, his numbers have definitely taken a turn, not for the best. He went from being 4th at bat to 6th at bat, it hopes to see some improvement, but that does not seem to be the case.

    As the regular season is coming to an end, it makes us wonder how he going to do in the postseason, as the Dodgers are not only candidate favorites to bring the title home but the more runs they can do could be the meaning of having a more relaxing end to a game or be grinding their teeth in hopes that with a 1 or 2 run lead over the other team, the other team does not score.

    Time is clicking.

    It is time for him to show what he’s got. This could be the year that the boys in blue bring that title home, and what more for him to have a great influence in that.

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