• NLCS Review: Max Muncy

  • konu

    October 19, 2020 at 12:09 pm

    Max Muncy went 5 for 22 (.227) 2 home runs and 6 rbi’s. The majority of those came on the grand slam in game 3 when the Dodgers exploded for 11 runs in the first inning. He also walked an incredible 9 times in the 7 games but also struck out 11, If Muncy has been anything this year it’s consistent in the similar production he’s put up all year long. He strikes out way too much swinging and missing in pitches in the zone. Seemed like there were quite a few at-bats for him to do damage and he struck out. He looks at a lot of meatballs right down the middle on the first pitch. Should be something he looks at moving onto the World Series.

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